The truth

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The truth is, that when I am truly bored...I write a blog. I am so pathetic. Actually, this is like a diary. Because only one of my friends knows that I even have this thing. Names and locations are changed, to protect myself and my friends. But I swear that I am not an old fat guy. I am not on here to meet new people. I am here so that everyone can hear my side of the story. My important side of that important story. The story of life that no one want to read. Instead, I choose to recite it to the world. I live the life that others refuse too.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Have you ever been hurt by a person? Like when you think you two are the best of friends, and then the stupid brat's like "Y'know I'm only being nice to you so my parents won't be mad." That breaks a child's heart. That happend to me when I was only 5 years old. I see her every once in a while, but how could that NOT make me self concious? Am I not fun enough? Do I give off a "stupid" vibe? I don't know but I do know that I am not the same? It seems as though my life revolves around that. Like I wake up everyday trying to prove her wrong. I don't want to live like that anymore. I just want to wake up one day and have absolutley no worries. Be myself and not what everyone wants of me. I guess that's just me and everyone else is just stuck up. But I do know that I don't want to be people, I want to be Harp.